Get the school term dates for London Boroughs in the calendar on your phone, tablet, PC and MAC. The London school term dates calendar is free. It is updated as term dates and holiday periods are added or changed.
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The school term and holiday dates are based on the dates agreed by the London Inter Authority Admissions Group (LIAAG) and the majority of London authorities will use these dates.
The timetable allows for the statutory 195 school days. This includes the 190 days when the school must be open to pupils and 5 staff training days. The 5 staff training and development days are decided by the school's governing body according to the school's development planning cycle.
School governing bodies/academy trusts have responsibility for setting the term dates for academies, foundation schools, free schools and voluntary aided schools. The term dates for these schools may be different and these schools should be contacted directly.
Select, Sign up and connect this free-to-subscribe-to internet calendar to the calendar app on your phone and/or laptop and all the school term dates will be sync'd for evermore.
The school term and holiday dates are based on the dates agreed by the London Inter Authority Admissions Group (LIAAG) and the majority of London authorities will use these dates.
The timetable allows for the statutory 195 school days. This includes the 190 days when the school must be open to pupils and 5 staff training days. The 5 staff training and development days are decided by the school's governing body according to the school's development planning cycle.
School governing bodies/academy trusts have responsibility for setting the term dates for academies, foundation schools, free schools and voluntary aided schools. The term dates for these schools may be different and these schools should be contacted directly.