Wandsworth Oasis is a community charity raising money for people living with HIV, largely through its nine charity shops in and around the boroughs of Wandsworth, Lambeth and Islington.

Wandsworth Oasis is a community charity raising money for people living with HIV, largely through its nine charity shops in and around the boroughs of Wandsworth, Lambeth and Islington



About Wandsworth Oasis

Since its foundation in 1989, Wandsworth Oasis has provided support to – and challenged stigma towards – those living with HIV.

Using revenue generated by our nine charity shops located in London, as well as fundraising initiatives, we provide small and large grants to organisations providing direct support and prevention services to HIV positive individuals.

This is your sign to go charity shopping✨


#secondhandfashion #charityshopping #sustainablefashion #charityshop #londonshopping

Charity shops are the original recyclers and reusers on the high street. Last year, charity shops kept 330,000 tonnes of textiles out of landfill, saving councils £27 million in landfill tax.
95% of sales in charity shops are of used items👗


#chartityshop #secondhand #sustainablefashion

We couldn’t keep our group of charity shops open  without the incredible, dedicated support of our volunteers. They sort and price donations, keep the shops tidy, create window displays, do the admin and cashing up, and provide support at fundraising events.
We need volunteers in all our charity shops and to help out with events and fundraising. If you are interested in applying as a volunteer head over to our website

Our favourite shoes found in our Clapham shop ✨
Next time you’re in one of our shops tag us in your favourite


#chairtyshopping #charityshop #shoeshopping #charityshopfinds #claphamcommon

From unique finds to hidden treasures, our shelves are filled with goodies waiting to be discovered. Plus, by shopping with us, you’ll be supporting a great cause! So come on down to 308-310 Battersea Park Road 💛


#ShopForACause #charityshopping #charityshopfinds

🌈 Happy May, everyone! Did you know that it’s #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth? 🧠

 Let’s take a moment to discuss the important link between #MentalHealth and #HIV. 💊 

It’s no secret that mental health and HIV care go hand in hand. People living with HIV have a higher risk of developing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. 🤯 And unfortunately, these conditions can make it harder for someone to manage their HIV care, leading to poorer health outcomes. 😔 

That’s why it’s crucial to integrate mental health services into HIV prevention, treatment, and care. By doing so, we can reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and make it easier for those living with or at risk of HIV to seek the care they need to thrive. 🌎 Let’s work towards #healthequity and prioritize both mental health and HIV care this month and beyond. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #globalhealth 💜 ...

Thank you @bigyellowselfstorage for your ongoing support 💚 ...

Summer is just around the corner and it’s time to revamp your wardrobe! Donating and shopping at our charity shops is not only convenient, but it’s also environmentally friendly. So let’s clear out our wardrobes and support a great cause at the same time. 💜🛍️🌟

Shop with purpose and look fabulous all summer long! 💚 

#ShopForACause #SustainableStyle #CharityShops #SummerWardrobeGoals #GivingBack #secondhandfashion #charityshopfinds #londoncharity #charityshop #charity

Did you know that taking HIV medication during pregnancy can greatly reduce the risk of passing the virus to your baby?

 It’s a crucial step in protecting both your own health and the health of your little one. As a healthcare professional, I urge all expecting mothers to prioritize their well-being and take the necessary precautions to prevent HIV transmission. 

Let’s work together to ensure a healthy and happy future for you and your baby. 

#HIVandPregnant #ProtectYourHealth #PreventHIVTransmission #hiv #hivawarness #hivpostive ...

April 18 is National Transgender HIV Testing Day, a day to recognize the importance of routine HIV testing, status awareness, & continued focus on HIV prevention & treatment for transgender & nonbinary people.

#lgbtq #lgbtqcommunity #transgender #hivawarenessandprevention #hivawarness #hiv #hivpostive

🔁 Reposted from : @stophivtogether

This powerful reel is a reminder of the importance of staying on top of your HIV medication. Why? Because Undetectable = Untransmittable.

That’s right, if someone has an undetectable viral load, they cannot sexually transmit HIV to others.

So let’s keep spreading awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding HIV💊💚


#HIVawareness #UndetectableUntransmittable #StayInformed #breakthestigma #TakingCareOfOurselves #Empowerment #hivstigmafree #hivpositivewomen #hivpositive